171 research outputs found

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    Turnitin - Inventory control system - Rizal Isnanto

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    Aplikasi Data Pelanggan Berbasis Java Dan Mobile Pada PT. PLN (Persero) Area Semarang

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    In modern times, like today, the role of software or applications that run on top of the platform is very important. This is because almost all of the work done by the people, made by the software or application. Applications can be used to assist in the processing of data and upload the final report. Data recorded previously processed by the paper can be recorded and processed by the application so that more efficiently. PT. PLN (Persero) Semarang District State electricity company has many customers in the city of Semarang. Customer data belonging to this company has not been processed in digital form. This causes the data of regular visits undertaken are not directly connected with customer data, owned so inefficient and requires a long process in the course of the report. Thus, it takes an application that can help in the treatment of customer data, data of visited consumer, and generate reports . Customer data Java-based and mobile applications for PLN (Persero) Semarang District State intended for the treatment of customer data, data of visited connsumer and generate reports. The application consists of two application. The first applications developed using the programming language Java, which can run on the operating system Windows. The second application was designed and implemented using the framework ionic, which can run on the Android operating system. This application uses MySQL as a database management system, which is used for data storage media

    Sistem E-career Perguruan Tinggi Berbasis Android (Start Up Application)

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    E-Career merupakan media pada perguruan tinggi dalam memberikan fasilitas layanan kepada mahasiswa, alumni, serta Perusahaan relasi berupa informasi penerimaan kerja berbasis elektronik yang saat ini masih jarang digunakan, karena masih sedikit konten informasi yang disediakan, serta tidak adanya akses Perusahaan relasi dalam memberikan penilaian terhadap alumni perguruan tinggi yang bekerja. Hal ini yang membuat dibutuhkannya suatu sistem e-career berbasis Android (startup application) untuk evaluasi kinerja alumni yang bekerja pada Perusahaan relasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat sistem e-career perguruan tinggi untuk mengevaluasi kinerja alumni yang bekerja pada Perusahaan relasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) sebagai sarana untuk mengukur kepuasan pelanggan terhadap produk atau jasa. Hasil penelitian adalah sistem e-career evaluasi kinerja alumni perguruan tinggi yang bekerja pada Perusahaan relasi. Evaluasi kinerja alumni dihasilkan melalui penilaian yang dilakukan oleh karyawan tetap pada Perusahaan relasi dengan cara mengisi kuesioner yang ada pada sistem e-career. Keluaran dari sistem ini berupa diagram kuadran berdasarkan indikator dan kategori penilaian yang ada pada kuesioner dan sesuai dengan kriteria metode IPA. Manfaat penelitian ini adalah memberikan kemudahan bagi mahasiswa dan alumni perguruan tinggi untuk memperoleh informasi penerimaan kerja melalui sistem e-career serta sebagai sarana implementasi evaluasi kinerja alumni yang bekerja pada Perusahaan relasi

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Android Pada UKM Basket Universitas Diponegoro

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    Until now, Diponegoro University has become one of the most favored State University for High School students to proceed their study. So far, there hasn't been any information system for basketball student organization in Diponegoro University such as mobile device application that provides information, field location, and reminder for the basketball practice. Based on this concern, an application for the information system must be made on Android Operation System. Design of mobile information system for basketball student organization in Diponegoro University based android, a client server application created by using theJava, PHP, jQuery and MySQL for database. The intake of latitude and longitude coordinate will utilize the GPS feature on the mobile device and will be displayed on Google Maps API. JSON will collect the data of schedules into the mobile device, continued to recieve dialog alert and broadcast reciever for the alarm feature. The result of this design is realization of a application that able to search location of a basketball field based on android system, equipped with features that can help user to find the field and alarm to remind them of practice time. This design is also used to introduce android application developers using the Global Positioning System functions for user navigation
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